Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Looking for that White Christmas.

I tried to do some Christmas shopping yesterday. Tried is the word since I just couldn't get into the mood to really look for anything special. I have been shopping most of the year and that was the easy part. However, when November comes around I like the crisp snap in the air, the threat of possible snow flurries and the yearning for some spiced tea. Yesterday it was almost 80 degrees around here.  A little warm for the area but not by much.

I found myself looking at the large Christmas card collection trying to find that perfect card. I don't usually send out cards but since we moved I thought this would be a good year to do so. Still need to let some friends and family know that we have moved and that we are all doing fine. Maybe they should read my blog.....
Most of the cards reflected wintery scenes and seemed to really define Christmas - if I still lived in my log home in Indiana. Nothing seemed to reflect what that feeling is here - not really sure what that is anyhow.
I even priced artificial trees. We have always had a live tree to fill our log home up with the smell of pine. And quite frankly, fresh is best in that type of home. I have been told by my neighbors here  that I should expect double the prices for fresh trees down here. Why would that be? Well, the trees come from Michigan and Wisconsin. Pine trees here are a bit scraggly. It seemed that the only artificial trees that I liked look real and had a really big price tag. I guess I will have to wait for a big sale. They even sell fake snow to sprinkle on your tree. Looked nice but I considered the constant vacuuming of the house and thought differently.
We have prepared for Christmas as a family when it was very cold out. I remember going to Lowes and selecting any tree that fit our wish list - green and decent. It was too cold  to care. We have had years that we have been out in light jackets searching for hours for that perfect tree. Probably will repeat that here.
I guess when it comes down to it. It's not the snow on the ground, the woods around my log home, the brisk feeling that arrives that time of year. My kids will still be excited about decorating the tree. They have already started asking about making cookies and candies. They have even started teasing me about listening to my Christmas music  - which I do for a solid month. As much as I miss the White Christmas feel from the Midwest, I need to remember just a simple thing. My family hasn't changed and it is still a great Christmas where ever we are. We are together and having a blast.

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